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8 Tips How to Personalize Your Emails

Have you ever wondered how to make your emails distinct and easy to notice? Keep on reading to learn 8 effective email personalization practices.

What is marketing automation? A comprehensive overview of the benefits, how to use it and how to get started

In this article, we take a deep dive into the world of marketing automation with practical examples, inspiring articles and how-to guides.

Marketing Automation in Practice, Part 4: Leveraging Existing Customer Data

Most companies are constantly collecting huge amounts of information about their customers, but despite the amount of data, the big picture is often missing and the information is not used in marketing activities. In this article, we take our readers through examples of marketing automation that harness existing customer data.

Marketing automation in practice, part 3: Drip campaigns - closer to your goal

Automated drip campaigns can be used to guide, educate and stimulate the customer over the long term. In the third part of this series, we'll look at concrete models for using automated drip campaigns. By reading this article, you'll learn how to use email automation effectively.

WordPress Website Personalization Tips for B2B

Marketing Automation in Practice, Part 2: How to Identify a Visitor

Marketing automation plays a significant role in the customer's journey toward making a purchase. But how can an anonymous website visitor be transformed into a customer? And how can marketing automation be utilized in this process? The answer to all of these questions can be found in this article.

Marketing Automation Strategy: Data and the Bigger Picture [With Examples]

In this article, we delve into the key elements of marketing automation, exploring how you can streamline campaigns, deliver personalized experiences, and achieve remarkable results.

Marketing Automation in Practice, Part 1: From Small Streams to Customer Experience – Important Everyday Automation

Earlier we listed five marketing automation activities that every marketer should do. Now it's time to take a closer look at what it means to ”automate the basic messages in marketing".

Webinar recording: Marketing Automation Strategy - Transform data into revenue

With the right strategy, the business can transform data into revenue by effectively targeting its audience, personalizing its campaigns, and delivering a seamless customer experience.

5 Marketing Automations that Every Company Should Use

Many marketers have promised to start using marketing automation. To make the starting process easier, we decided to list five marketing automations that every company should be doing so they can start seeing the value of marketing automation.