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The State of Email Marketing in 2021

The state of email marketing 2021 cover image

The main objective of our study was to take a deep dive into how marketers approach email as a marketing channel. 

We covered diverse and essential aspects, including team management, goal setting, email list maintenance, design, and analytics. One of the biggest advantages of the study is the focus on the design part of newsletter creation, which has been neglected by previous studies of the same kind. 

We got answers from 240 email marketers from Finland, Sweden, France, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, and Hong Kong.

In this blog article, we highlight some of the survey results. You can download the full 28-page guide at the end of the article.

Email marketing strategy

More than half of the respondents (58%) say they have an email marketing strategy or plan in place. 13% of marketers weren’t sure if they have an email marketing plan.

Learn how to improve your email marketing strategy step-by-step: How to Create an Effective Email Marketing Strategy (Step-by-Step Guide)

 Newsletter design

The visual side of newsletter creation has received little attention in the previous research on email marketing. We wanted to close this gap and addressed a few questions about the design of newsletters. 

The goal was to find out what resources teams use to work on the design part and what elements are the most important when it comes to newsletter design. Finally, we asked marketers what newsletter design trends they want to incorporate into their email campaigns in 2021.

Images and other visual elements were chosen as the most vital elements of newsletter creation. The majority of email marketers would like to make their email campaigns more interactive in 2021. In addition to being interactive, marketers mentioned they want to increase human connections and make their emails more human.

"We would like to make our newsletters more human. More than ever, companies need to humanize their communication.”
Comment from our State of Email Marketing 2021 survey  


Measuring email marketing success 

According to marketers, email open rates and click-through rates are the most important email marketing metrics.  

Deliverability is not given enough attention, with only 35% of respondents monitoring the delivery rate of their newsletters.  

Only 11% of the survey respondents measure the email ROI. This might be caused by the fact that email marketing is not given enough importance by C-level executives.

Download the guide and learn what 240 marketers say about email marketing 👇

Download the guide



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